Saturday, August 29, 2009

Artificial Intelligent Advertising Design Software Coming an Advertising Agency Near You

Today, advertising agencies are filled with creative design specialists that come up with some wonderfully creative ads and advertising campaigns, but in the future artificial intelligent advertising software will be doing all this; that right human artists will be out and computers are in. It's only a matter of time. Still, some folks deny this future, stating such things as "computers will never be able to match human creativity!" Oh really, says who?

Is it the same type of person who claimed a computer could never beat a chess champion? The reality is that computer software programs are already highly creative, and in many human endeavors they are out competing with humans. Some believe that computers will be able to tell jokes soon, do stand-up comedy routines that will have you rolling on the floor, and tell stories, write novels and even best the greatest human poetry of any age.

Computers can already write music, and some of it is quite good, of course, this makes sense because music is very mathematical, and what humans like in terms of sounds is predictable. Creative advertising also uses lots of mathematics, such as statistics, demographics, probability, and it applies these to irony, humor, and unique anomalies that shock, distract, and disrupt the intended view just long enough to make a statement, cement an image, and promote a brand name.

If anyone believes that artificially intelligent software will not be used to by-pass the middle man advertising agencies in the future, or that those ad agencies will not be using it themselves in the interim, simply does not understand advertising and/or artificial intelligence. So, please consider all this.

Lance Winslow is a retired franchisor - Lance Winslow's Bio Lance Winslow is formerly the CEO of WashGuys family of franchises for instance one of Lance Winslow's favorite companies on the team;

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