Friday, August 28, 2009

Government Grants Exposed - Grants Info

If ever you happen to see those very annoying ads saying that you qualified for a free grant try thinking about it first. These days, there are many scams that reside on the web. Read on as this article makes government grant scams exposed.

Scam artists will tell you that your application was approved. The Federal Trade Commission or FTC has already warned the public that grant offers are usually scams. These grants are not free. They are not also guaranteed. And many do not actually offer a refund.

The FTC exposed that there are scam artists who use classified ads in marketing their "free grants." There are those who use a toll free phone number.
What happens when you call?

Of course, a representative of those firms will entertain you. He/she will ask simple questions to know if you qualify for the grant. Be cause the representative is a scam artist, he will act as if he is checking your eligibility. After that, he will congratulate you but, they will ask for a charge for you to get the grant information. He will tell you that the charge is for the fee for the process. Simply put, a processing fee will be charged from you. If you ask what it is for, they will say that it is for the effort of finding the grant source. But after that, no source will come to you. What they will send is a list that contain foundation and agencies to which you must request for an application. For you to get refund, you need to apply the agencies listed. You should also get rejected in less than 90 days.

Grants are not usually awarded to individuals. Grants are meant to help the public as a whole. You will not get an approval even if you are in a financial hardship. Plus, you would not attempt getting a refund since what it requires will make it impossible for you.

Are you in desperate need of some extra money? Have you lost your job or earning very little? If so, help is at hand direct from Government sponsored institutions. Whatever financial difficulty you are experiencing, the government distribute billions every year for low income households, with types of grants ranging from minority government grants to scholarships for higher education. Many people search for ways of obtaining government grants, but only a few are aware of how to apply for these. It's not even uncommon to find grants available for skills training and even government grants for homes. There are little known ways of ensuring your grant application always gets approved. You can find further information on sure-fire ways of getting your grants approved within 2 weeks - guaranteed! Visit the links above for further instructions.

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