Friday, August 28, 2009

Payroll Solution - Available Products and Services

When running a small business, you want to make everything as simple as possible. One way to do this is by outsourcing your payroll responsibilities. What you can expect from this is more than just a person to write your paychecks. You can have them handle as little or as much as you want. Of course, the more you hand over, the more free time you have to grow your business.

Here are some of the benefits you can expect from this type of payroll solution:

* Paychecks-First and foremost, they handle the distribution of your employee's pay. This can be done in a variety of ways-paper, direct deposit, down-load to you for printing, etc.

* Registers-For your convenience, they can also maintain registers for deductions, attendance and time cards, tax liabilities, year-to-date payroll, and new hires.

* Government Forms-They are very important. Payroll management companies can handle your quarterly tax filings and unemployment forms for the state and federal governments. You receive notices regarding any tax payments and filings.

* Reports-They can maintain 401K information, workman's comp claims and payouts, the general ledger report, new hire information, tracking of vacations and sick leave, and more.

* Other payments-You can also set your vendors up for payment as well.

The great thing is that you do not have to worry about being able to access all of this information. No phone calls or letters requesting updates are needed. Thanks to technology and the Internet, you can log-in to your files anytime. And, because you have outsourced the work, you don't have to go digging through filing cabinets or stacks of papers for the information-just click and log-in. Easy huh? It is a fast and easy way to make sure that all of your files are up-to-date.

Here are some of the things you can monitor and change from your computer:

* Employee hours-This is vital for correct payment.

* Employee tax information-It is important to make sure withholding data is current, especially if an employee's situation has changed.

* Track overtime-Helps keep unnecessary expenses down and lets you know if there is any abuse going on.

* Shift scheduling and breaks-Lets you know where everyone is and the state labor regulations are being followed.

* Employee benefits-Makes sure everyone is getting what is required.

* Vacations and holiday pay-Very important since the employee is not there to clock in for pay. It must be logged in by you.

* Storage for e-mail and other documents-Paper trails and references.

Outsourcing is a great payroll solution-just a few minutes to input information and send. You know you have a reliable staff handling your account with expertise. Plus, they are saving you money by not having to hire staff to handle it. You simply pay a rate dependent on the services you want. As your business grows, you can always add services. Now, what is your plan about spending all the free time? The possibilities are endless and can only be positive for the future of your business.

If you are running a small business and want to outsource your payroll responsibilities Louisiana payroll processing outsourcing services is the best choice. Get superior service and actionable results. Expect 100 percent accuracy. For details, visit

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