Saturday, August 29, 2009

Printed Calico Bags - A Fashion Statement For Your Business

Getting a promotion activity for a young business is an arduous task of constantly testing the water and coming up with certain solutions intended to help the business get off the ground. For most people, when the question of promotion is raised, the most obvious remedy is to advertise, although some holds reservation as to just how effective the method could be.

For some people, an innovative and useful way to promote is to give out promo items with the company name or logo printed on it. As such, a wide range of materials have been used for the purpose. However, for the fashion-conscious person, none can match the usefulness and beauty of printed calico bags.

What a Calico Bag Is

Calico bags have different meanings in different societies. In some areas, the name refers to woven textiles, while in some areas it refers to using recycled materials for making bags. Still in some areas, it refers to an inexpensive cotton fabric that is used in making bags and embroidered with floral designs.

Although they are inexpensive and may not be as sturdy as leather bags, printed calico bags are nonetheless aesthetically appealing because of the intricate patterns and designs embroidered on them. And in times of economic recessions, calico bags take prominence as it is in tune with the thrifty mood of the time.

Promotional Tool for Your Business

Printed Calico bags are not only used as great fashion accessories, they are also an excellent tool in promotion. A calico bag with the company's name or logo printed on it is like having a walking billboard. The advertisement travels with the bag.

Because calico bags are most likely to be seen in fashion circles, the company gets an added mileage in advertisement. The presence of promotional bags made of calico in social and formal gatherings signifies a degree of sophistication for the company. It is this promotional kick that businesses want to help their company zoom ahead in the competition.

Printed calico bags indeed will make a great promotional tool. However, one has to bear in mind the need to correlate the bag to the audience intended to be the recipients of the bag. For example, because women are more conscious of fashion than men, it may not be wise to hand out the bags to a male client because the appreciation will not be as sound compared with what one will get when the bag is given to a woman.

Matthew Zande is an advertising and marketing expert. He is widely knowledgeable about promotional products, corporate gifts, and the like for which people have the need or want to possess. There are so many products that fill the gap between "wanting" and "needing," and people should be aware of the many choices they have when it comes to merchandising items. Finding the right product for the right interest is the key to the world of merchandising, and his articles help shed some much-needed light on what products work for what people.

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